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Изменения в правилах выдачи моргиджа в Онтарио (осень 2016)

Мир моргиджей
Сообщение 23 Nov 2016, 11:29
Ursego Аватара пользователя
Canada, Ontario
Город: Toronto
Стаж: 11 лет 8 месяцев 27 дней
Постов: 10707
Лайкнули: 3448 раз
Карма: 33%
СССР: Днепропетровск
Пол: М
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Заход: 20 Nov 2023, 18:00

Меня завалили вопросами, связанными с изменением ипотечных правил. Сначала я покорно разжёвывал, но лень победила и я решил создать данную тему дабы подсовывать её вопрошающим.

Следующая таблица показывает месячный платёж, сумму моргиджа и максимальную цену дома (в зависимости от даунпеймента), на которые семья может быть квалифицирована по новым правилам в зависимости от семейного дохода брутто:


Сравнение старой и новой суммы моргиджа, которая может быть выдана семье с определённым доходом:


Небольшая статья в The Globe and Mail, которая кратко и чётко излагает суть дела:

Four major changes to Canada’s housing rules

The Liberal government has announced sweeping changes aimed at ensuring Canadians aren’t taking on bigger mortgages than they can afford in an era of historically low interest rates.

The changes are also meant to address concerns related to foreign buyers who buy and flip Canadian homes.

Below is a breakdown of the four major changes Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced Monday.

The current rules

Buyers with a down payment of at least 5 per cent of the purchase price but less than 20 per cent must be backed by mortgage insurance. This protects the lender in the event that the home buyer defaults. These loans are known as “high loan-to-value” or “high ratio” mortgages.

In situations in which the buyer has 20 per cent or more for a down payment, the lender or borrower could obtain “low-ratio” insurance that covers 100 per cent of the loan in the event of a default.

Mortgage insurance in Canada is backed by the federal government through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. Insurance is sold by the CMHC and two private insurers, Genworth Financial Mortgage Insurance Company Canada and Canada Guaranty Mortgage Insurance Company. The federal government backs the insurance offered by the two private-sector firms, subject to a 10-per-cent deductible.

Related: Ottawa’s housing reforms target foreign buyers, mortgage debt

Opinion: Stress tests won’t fix Canada’s heated housing market(Subscribers only)

Related: Ottawa’s push to tackle real estate tax dodgers sees mixed response


  1. Expanding a mortgage rate stress test to all insured mortgages.

    What it is

    As of Oct. 17, a stress test used for approving high-ratio mortgages will be applied to all new insured mortgages – including those where the buyer has more than 20 per cent for a down payment. The stress test is aimed at assuring the lender that the home buyer could still afford the mortgage if interest rates were to rise. The home buyer would need to qualify for a loan at the negotiated rate in the mortgage contract, but also at the Bank of Canada’s five-year fixed posted mortgage rate, which is an average of the posted rates of the big six banks in Canada. This rate is usually higher than what buyers can negotiate. As of Sept. 28, the posted rate was 4.64 per cent.

    Other aspects of the stress test require that the home buyer will be spending no more than 39 per cent of income on home-carrying costs like mortgage payments, heat and taxes. Another measure called total debt service includes all other debt payments and the TDS ratio must not exceed 44 per cent.

    Who it affects

    This measure affects home buyers who have at least 20 per cent for a down payment but are seeking a mortgage that may stretch them too thin if interest rates were to rise. It also affects lenders seeking to buy government-backed insurance for low-ratio mortgages.


    The government is responding to concerns that sharp rises in house prices in cities like Toronto and Vancouver could increase the risk of defaults in the future should mortgage rates rise.

  2. As of Nov. 30, the government will impose new restrictions on when it will provide insurance for low-ratio mortgages.

    What it is

    The new rules restrict insurance for these types of mortgages based on new criteria, including that the amortization period must be 25 years or less, the purchase price is less than $1-million, the buyer has a credit score of 600 and the property will be owner-occupied.

    Who it affects

    This measure appears to be aimed at lowering the government’s exposure to residential mortgages for properties worth $1-million or more, a category of the market that has increased sharply in recent years in Vancouver and Toronto.


    Vancouver and Toronto are the two real estate markets that are of most concern for policy makers at all levels of government. These measures appear to be targeted at those markets.

  3. New reporting rules for the primary residence capital gains exemption.

    What it is

    Currently, any financial gain from selling your primary residence is tax-free and does not have to be reported as income. As of this tax year, the capital gains tax is still waived, but the sale of the primary residence must be reported at tax time to the Canada Revenue Agency.

    Who it affects

    Everyone who sells their primary residence will have a new obligation to report the sale to the CRA, however the change is aimed at preventing foreign buyers who buy and sell homes from claiming a primary residence tax exemption for which they are not entitled.


    While officials say more data are needed, Ottawa is responding to extensive anecdotal evidence and media reports showing foreign investors are flipping homes in Canada and falsely claiming the primary residence exemption.

  4. The government is launching consultations on lender risk sharing.

    What it is

    Currently, the federal government is on the hook to cover the cost of 100 per cent of an insured mortgage in the event of a default. The federal government says this is “unique” internationally and that it will be releasing a public consultation paper shortly on a proposal to have lenders, such as banks, take on some of that risk. The Department of Finance Canada acknowledges this would be “a significant structural change to Canada’s housing finance system.”

    Who it affects

    Mortgage lenders, such as banks, would have to take on added risk. This could potentially lead to higher mortgage rates for home buyers.


    The federal government wants to limit its financial obligations in the event of widespread mortgage defaults. It also wants to encourage prudent lending practices.


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  #2     Изменения в правилах выдачи моргиджа в Онтарио (осень 2016)
Сообщение 23 Nov 2016, 11:50
888 Аватара пользователя
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Заход: 17 Feb 2024, 15:20
Фраза которую никогда не думал я могу произнести: полностью согласен с решением правительства Трюдо, особенно с последними двумя пунктами.

Пошел мыть рот с мылом.
Не надо есть БЖУ. Надо есть мясо, яйца, рыбу, морепродукты, ферментированное и зеленолистовое.

  #3     Изменения в правилах выдачи моргиджа в Онтарио (осень 2016)
Сообщение 23 Nov 2016, 12:22
Canada, Ontario
Город: Тыроноу
Стаж: 10 лет 1 месяц 22 дня
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Заход: 01 Feb 2019, 19:43
Ursego написал(а) здесь:
Сравнение старой и новой суммы моргиджа

Вообще то чтоб остудить рынок надо было принимать меры против полчищ китайцев. А вместо этого ещё больше затянули удавку на шее тех простых канадцев, ради блага которых вообще то изменения и должны быть. Китайские инвесторы, покупающие за кеш, ну просто обделались от страха от этих измененй и убежали с канадского рынка как от чумы! На кого работают слуги народа, издающие законы - на себя, на китайцев или на обычных канадских труженников? :_cheshet_repu_:

  #4     Изменения в правилах выдачи моргиджа в Онтарио (осень 2016)
Сообщение 23 Nov 2016, 12:40
Ursego Аватара пользователя
Canada, Ontario
Город: Toronto
Стаж: 11 лет 8 месяцев 27 дней
Постов: 10707
Лайкнули: 3448 раз
Карма: 33%
СССР: Днепропетровск
Пол: М
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Заход: 20 Nov 2023, 18:00

RomaRoma написал(а) здесь:
чтоб остудить рынок
Цель нововведений (касающихся суммы моргиджа) - не остудить рынок, а обезопасить его. Не берусь судить насколько эти меры окажутся эффективными (наверно, в определённой "доле пирога" действие будет положительным), но направление - именно security. Люди берут огромные моргиджи и затем ходят по острию лезвия, причём делать это им предстоит десятилетиями (если не погасят раньше времени).

  #5     Изменения в правилах выдачи моргиджа в Онтарио (осень 2016)
Сообщение 23 Nov 2016, 12:53
888 Аватара пользователя
Стаж: 10 лет 26 дней
Постов: 8160
Лайкнули: 3779 раз
Карма: 47%
Пол: М
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Заход: 17 Feb 2024, 15:20
Никто не ставит целью прогнать китайских инвесторов. Цель - не дать им полсьзоваться льготами которые для них не предназначены. На то и третий пункт. А все остальное для того чтобы минимизировать риск краха и его последствия, как и говорит Ursego. Какую удавку? Людей всего лишь пытаются удержать от мортгичей которые им не под силу, и правильно делают.
Не надо есть БЖУ. Надо есть мясо, яйца, рыбу, морепродукты, ферментированное и зеленолистовое.

Вам есть что сказать по этой теме? Зарегистрируйтесь, и сможете оставлять комментарии